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Village ...

We are proud to share our journey of organizing hardware hacking villages and events at various conferences across India and beyond. Since 2019, we have been committed to providing a platform for enthusiasts to explore the exciting world of hardware security, IoT hacking, and more.

Our villages have offered participants unique opportunities to engage in hands-on workshops, learn from expert instructors, and delve into the latest hardware security challenges. From soldering and firmware hacking to drone hacking and wireless exploits, we've covered diverse topics to cater to the interests of hardware enthusiasts and security researchers.

Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to expand our reach and contribute to the vibrant hardware hacking community. Let's explore, learn, and hack together!

Seasides Information Security Conference 2023

Our Contributions Over the Years:


  • Seasides Information Security Conference:

    September 20th-22nd, 2023

    • Hardware Hacking Village at Seasides 23
    • Soldering Village
    • HAM Village
    • Lock Picking Village
    • Firmware Hacking
    • Drone Hacking
    • 3-D Printing & Badge Quest
    • Hardware CTF
    • Flipper Zero

  • RedTeam Summit:

    May 27th, 2023

    • Hardware Hacking Training
      • Introduction to Hardware Hacking
      • Firmware Analysis
      • Ports & Communication
      • Firmware Extraction
      • Exploitation


  • c0c0n:

    October 19th-20th, 2022

    • Village: Soldering

  • BSides Ahmedabad:

    October 1st, 2022

    • Drone Hacking Village

  • Seasides Information Security Conference:

    August 19-20, 2022

    • Workshop: Drone Hacking
    • Workshop: Damn Vulnerable IoT Device


  • BSides Ahmedabad:

    November 26th, 2021

    • Village: HAM Radio


  • Seasides Information Security Conference:

    March 3rd-5th, 2023

    • Tool Demo & Giveaway:
    • Wi-Fi Deauther
    • USB Rubber Ducky
    • Village: Soldering


  • BSides Ahmedabad 2019:

    November 19th, 2023

    • Tool Demo: Kali on Wheels

Interested in hosting a hardware hacking village at your event? Contact us to learn more.

hw101.me ®. This work is open-source, empowering collaboration and unrestricted exploration.